I'm so excited about my first-ever web-page! I started the project to make a better home for my Earth-Studies Units, but it's taken on a life of its own. Now I want to help other homeschoolers who might be struggling to incorporate sciences into their academic pursuits. I want to provide encouragement, resources, pertinent articles, and so much more.
When I first began putting together the earth-studies units for my own children, I was disappointed when trying to find materials (especially materials in my price range--our budget is incredibly tight) regarding the Big Bang, and the history of the Earth prior to the dinosaurs. And then, most of what I found related more to the history of man and civilizations than that of the Earth itself.
I want to teach my children about the Earth, I want my two boys--and all children--to have such a foundation of knowledge regarding the how and whys of Earth and life upon it, that they will be better equipped to make decisions that might heal the Earth--rather than scar it--as their ancestors have done.
So--The Scientific Homeschooler is up--it's a work in progress--but it's up and running at:
The Scientific Homeschooler.
I've also begun a new blog: The Scientific Homeschooler's Blog
And a Facebook page: The Scientific Homeschooler at Facebook
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