Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Celebrating the Winter Solstice

I am really excited about the up-coming holiday season (okay, so I'm always excited about holidays, but especially so this year!).  This will be our first year not celebrating Christmas.  Instead we will be observing the Winter Solstice, on December 21st.  

Why?  I'm sure you must be wondering.  
 I've narrowed it down to three reasons:

Reason #1 Why We No Longer Celebrate Christmas:

Keith and I are not religious.  Actually, neither of us believes in a god, and we don't promote a religion with our children, either.  So, since we're not religious, why should we celebrate a holiday that holds no meaning for us?

Reason #2 Why We No Longer Celebrate Christmas: 
We don't support commercialism.  I could go on and on about the evil that commercialism spreads and how the masses are annually induced into what I have fondly termed: "sheep-on-a-shopping-spree", blindly spending money on inane drible in the name of a a faith few truly believe in.  

But I'm not here to talk about my opinions of society's downfalls and betrayals.  I'm simply explaining why my husband and I have seen fit to veer (yet again!) away from the mainstream, to follow another path, by observing the winter solstice.  Some may see it as a Pagan or Wiccan celebration, however Keith and I adhere to no God or Goddess, and we perform no religious ceremonies.

Reason #3 Why We No Longer Celebrate Christmas:

We feel an affinity for the Earth that compels us to observe the changing of the seasons as the awe-inspiring phenomena that it is.  And that is what we hope to impart upon our boys.

I hope that there are other non-believers out there who might be encouraged to leave behind the commercial trap that Christmas can be, and find their own path, whatever it may be. 

For more information and a better understanding of how our family will be celebrating the holidays this year please see Seculars Celebrate the Winter Solstice.

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